The Sensational Stevensons - (Stevensons Lighthouse Engineers)
For over one hundred and fifty years Robert Stevenson and his descendants designed most of Scotland's Lighthouses. Battling against the odds and the elements - the Stevensons constucted wonders of engineering that have withstood the test of time, an amazing historical achievement.
"Coelum Non Solum"Family Crest
Robert Stevenson's talented family also included the famous writer/novelist Robert Louis Stevenson (his grandson). Visits with his family to remote lighthouses are thought to have inspired his books Kidnapped and Treasure Island.
"There is scarce a deep sea light from the Isle of Man to North Berwick,
but one of my blood designed it.
The Bell Rock stands monument for my grandfather;
the Skerry Vhor for my uncle Alan;
and when the lights come out along the shores of Scotland,
I am proud to think that they burn more brightly for the genius of my father."
Robert Louis StevensonGenealogie of the Stevensons Family
Other Lighthouse Engineers of the NLB
With the death of David Alan Stevenson in 1971 the period of a family devoted to building lighthouses came to an end.
Between 1799 and 1938 the Stevenson family has built 97 Lighthouses in Scotland and on the Isle of Man. As a resume, and a reminder that the Northern Lighthouse Board continued to build lighthouses, here the list of their 'Senior Engineers' who built the lighthouses of Scotland.
The title Senior Engineer was changed to Engineer-in-Chief after 1972 and then changed to Director of Engineering in 1995.Engineers of the NLB (1787 - 20XX)
Thomas Smith
22 January
- 11 July
(salaried from 26 December 1793)
Robert Stevenson
12 July
- 14 December
In July 1797, at Smith's request, The Board agreed to Stevenson acting in his place for the annual visit to the lighthouses