Neist Point

The Northern Lighthouse Board

Vlag NLB
Commissioners' Flag of the NLB
In Salutem Omnium
For the Safety of All
Neist Point - Isle of Skye
Vlag NLB
Ensign of the NLB

Lighthouse Map Nightview Map Timeline of Lights The Lighthouses
[from the:]
Aid to Mariners Basis Vessels Plaques Lighthouse Keepers
Stevensons Technics Useful Links
Update: 01-03-2025
Compiled by:
@ Bob Schrage

NLB - Aid to Mariners (AtoN)

All Lighthouse Authority in the world publish notices for seafarers providing essential, current information and advice to those navigating within the jurisdiction of this Lighthouse Authority. The Northern Lighthouse Board is the General Lighthouse Authority for Scotland and the Isle of Man. Below is a reference to the NLB website where the notices for seafarers are included.