NLB vessels

The Northern Lighthouse Board

Vlag NLB
Commissioners' Flag of the NLB
In Salutem Omnium
For the Safety of All
NLB vessels
Vlag NLB
Ensign of the NLB

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From 1799 to 1850 From 1850 to 1900 From 1900 to 1950 From 1950 to 2000 Light vessels
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Update: 01-03-2025
Compiled by:
@ Bob Schrage
NLB vessels through time from 1950 to 2000
Remark: Names of the ships were reused, sometimes multiple times. The numbers in brackets after the names of some ships are for reference only. They were not carried on the ships, as there was only one ship with a given name at any given time.
NLB Duty:
1952 - ?
Built 1952 by William Weatherhead of Cockenzie.
Used as a relief Tender to the Barra Head Lighthouse. Later replaced by helicopter relief Bernera
Further deployed as work vessel during the construction of a permanent unattended lighthouse on the Vee Skerries rock.
Sold out of service as being surplus to requirements
Converted to a yacht, renamed Berneray.

NLB Duty:

1955 - 1988
Steel Twin Screw Motorvessel, 256.9 x 39.4 x 12.6 feet, 1712 Gross Tons, 592 Net Tons. Oil engines (2), 2SCSA, each 7-Cyl by British Polar Engines Ltd, Glasgow
1955: Built by Caledon vesselbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Dundee (507) and based at Granton
1963: Damaged by fire whilst in drydock at Troon
1988: Sold to Windjammer Cruises, Freeport, Bahamas for service as a cruise vessel for 80 passengers and mother vessel to a
     flotilla of yachts and renamed ORIENT EXPRESS
1988: Sold to Amazing Grace SA (R.G Garza Inc, managers), Panama and renamed AMAZING GRACE (94 passengers)
1994: Sold to Shower Holding Inc (International Maritime Resources Inc, managers), Malebo
2000: Owners now International Maritime Resources Ltd, registered at Port of Spain, still in service

NLB Duty:

1961 - 1993
Steel Twin-Screw Motorvessel, 236.3 x 40.3 x 12.7 feet, 1328 Gross Tons; 396 Net Tons. Oil engines (2), 2SCSA, each 6-Cyl, by British Polar Engines Ltd, Glasgow
1961: Built by Caledon vesselbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, Dundee, and based at Stromness
1993: Sold to Barefoot Rogue S.A. (International Marine Resources Inc, managers), San Lorenzo, Honduras and renamed ROGUE
1995: Whilst lying at Port of Spain under going conversion suffered severe damage during hurricane
1997: Sold to Jean Baptiste, Belize, name unchanged
1998: Whilst being pulled up on a slipway at Port of Spain, the rails of the cradle buckled and collapsed
2002: Believe still stranded on the slipway

NLB Duty:

1964 - 2000
Steel Twin Screw Motorvessel, 238.9 x 40.3 x 18.5 feet, 1342 Gross Tons. Oil Engines (2) 2SCSA each 6-Cyl British Polar Engines Ltd, Glasgow
1964: Built by Blythswood vesselbuilding Co Ltd, Glasgow, (the last vessel to be built by Yard on 8 August 1963) and based at
1994: Transferred to Stromness
2000: Sold to Tamahine Investments Ltd of Hong Kong, registered London and renamed WINDSOR CASTLE, still in service
2014: Purchased by The Royal Yacht Brittannia to be converted into a 25 bedroom luxury “boutique” hotel and renamed
     FINGAL in 2016.

NLB Duty:

1993 - 8th September 2006
Steel Twin-Screw Diesel Electric, Length O A 79.58m Beam 14.0m, Draught 4.0m, 1986 Gross Registered Tonnage. Diesel-electric, through two conventional main propelled aft and gill-jet bow thrusters, Service Speed 12 kts, 20 tonne crane, 200 square metre Buoy Working Deck, Helicopter Deck.
1993: Built by Ferguson vesselbuilders Ltd, Port Glasgow, based in Oban.
2006: Sold 8 September to Byron Marine Ltd to work in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic as a fishery patrol and logistic
     support vessel.

Vessels from 1950 to 2000 Bernera
Bernera, NLB Duty: 1952 - ?

Pharos (VIII)
Pharos (VIII), NLB Duty: 1955 - 1988

Pole Star (III)
Pole Star (III), NLB Duty: 1961 - 1993

Fingal, NLB Duty: 1964 - 2000

Pharos (IX)
Pharos (IX), NLB Duty: 1993 - 2006

NLB vessels- Graeme Somner